Rendang is a traditional Asian dry curry, originally concocted to tenderise and disguise tough cuts of meat. Since then, it has become a very popular dish using beef, lamb or chicken chunks. The secret behind great Rendang is the gravy, consisting of spices like coriander, cinnamon, turmeric and a generous dose of coconut milk.
Serves 5-7
1.2 kgChicken leg, chunks, boneless and skinless
180 mlWater
1 pktRendang Paste **
1 pktPrima Coconut Premix **
** Included in Prima Taste pack.
- 1. Stir-fry marinated chicken for 5 mins on medium-low heat in a pot.
- 2. Pour Prima Coconut Premix and 180 ml water into a bowl. Stir and mix well. Add mixture into pot and bring to boil on medium high heat. Stir occasionally.
- 3. Lightly boil on medium heat for another 12-14 mins. Stir occasionally while simmering (Gravy should be slightly thick and glossy when ready).
- 4. Serve with warm rice.
- You may,
- - Marinate chicken in a container with whole packet of Rendang Paste (at least 12 hours in chiller), for a more robust taste.
- Store in cool, dry place. After opening, keep pack refrigerated and use within 3 days.
- Volume Conversion: 1 cup ˜ 230 ml
亚洲干咖喱糊 / Rendang Paste
百胜厨椰浆调配粉 / Prima Coconut Premix
鸡腿,大块、无骨、去皮, 1.2 公斤
水, 分量足够将鸡肉 完全覆
Steps 烹煮法
- 1. 把鸡肉和整包亚洲干咖喱糊一起放入容器腌泡(放入冷藏处腌至少12小时以加 强口味)。
- 2. 加入腌制后的鸡肉,以中低炒3分钟。
- 3. 把百胜厨椰浆调配粉(Prima Coconut Premix)和180毫升的水倒在一个碗内 。
- 4. 搅拌均匀。
- 5. 倒入锅子里,
- 6. 以中火煮沸,
- 7. 不时搅拌。
- 8. 以中火稍微煮12-14分钟。
- 9. 在慢火烹煮过程中需要不时搅拌。(煮好后的酱汁应该是稍微浓稠滑亮。)
- 10. 配上温热的白饭食用。