Enjoy the best of both worlds – Combination of Spaghetti from the West and Laksa from the East! The taste of the aromatic laksa lingers after every mouthful of spaghetti.
Laksa Spaghetti (Serves 3)
40ml(A) White Wine
6g(B) Garlic(chopped)
80g(C) Prima Taste Laksa Fried Rice Sauce
180ml(D) Water
112g(E) Cooking Cream
6 nos(F) Prawns
320 g(G) Cooked Spaghetti
30g(H)Tau Pok(cut into strips)
Note: You may use other types of seafood as desired.
- 1. Heat pan on medium heat and add (A) White Wine to deglaze, (B) Garlic followed by (C) Laksa Fried Rice Sauce. Mix well and stir-fry for 10 seconds.
- 2. Add (D) Water and simmer for 30 seconds till fragrant.
- 3. Add (E) Cooking Cream, mix well and simmer for 30 seconds. Add (F) Prawns and simmer further.
- 4. When prawns are almost cooked, add in (G) Cooked Spaghetti and (H) Tau Pok.
- 5. Braise the spaghetti by using a pair of tongs to flip occasionally. Continue till the sauce lightly coats the spaghetti and is slightly thickened. Laksa Spaghetti is ready to be served.
- Note: For a tastier dish, add Laksa leaves as desired.